Hire an Interior Designer to Make Your Small Home Feel Spacious

The tough part about living in a small home is that it can sometimes feel a little too small. Some families may truly grow out of their existing house and must find another place to live. In your situation, you may believe that your furniture, decorations, and layouts are causing problems.

An excellent solution is to hire an interior designer who can make your small home feel more spacious through various changes and improvements.


Furniture size can greatly impact how large or small your home and each room feel. For instance, an oversized couch might make your living room feel cramped. Sometimes, you can get the same seating capacity with a different couch that is designed for smaller spaces. Extra-thick cushions and components often improve comfort at the expense of taking up more space.

An interior designer will find a couch and other furniture that works well in your home. You can also let them know that you want to keep the same seating capacity and tabletop space. This will ensure that even with furniture changes, your home will still have the same functionality.


The furniture layout in each room might make enough of a difference in a small home to cause issues. So, you may find that a designer can move furniture around in certain rooms and immediately make them feel spacious enough for your family to be happy. While such a minor change may not always be viable, you may appreciate the minimal change to certain rooms.

An important part of creating ideal layouts is considering foot traffic. For instance, areas that receive heavy foot traffic often need clear pathways to minimize or eliminate problems.


When you are limited on storage capacity in a small home, you may fill up your attic, basement, garage, and closets with belongings. Also, you may use some of the rooms in your house to help with additional storage needs. Storing items in a room can make it feel cluttered at times. An interior designer will help you invest in storage organizations and solutions to use less space.

For instance, adding floor-to-ceiling shelving units along an unused bedroom wall can provide ample storage without taking up much space. You can also get a professional to add storage furniture that looks like typical furniture in your house instead of storage solutions.

Hire an interior designer to make your small home feel bigger with these solutions. 
